Tuesday, July 24, 2012

changes changes changes

What a lot of changes in a short amount of time! Henry started taking steps about three weeks ago and is now full on walking across the room! He has a new tooth and he started daycare yesterday -- quite a bit for an almost 11 month old (and a mommy and daddy!)

We were very lucky to have an amazing babysitter for the past 5 months. It was such a comfort to be able to have Henry cared for in our own home and to help him transition from me being home full time to going back to work. Now that he is eating lots of solids, having fewer bottles, napping better, and walking, the idea of daycare is a little less scary.

We found a daycare that fits our needs. They are a "green" daycare meaning they will continue to do cloth diapering when Henry is there, they only serve organic, vegetarian meals, and there aren't any harsh chemicals to clean the toys. Oh, and there are no tvs or electronic toys -- yay!

Last weekend was spent getting Henry's daycare gear together - labeling his items he would need while there,  packing his diaper bag, and pushing down my anxiety of Henry being taken care of by people we don't know well (yet).

But... day numero uno went great. Ryan managed to get Henry out the door, dropped off and to court on time (so right there the day is a winner) and no tears were shed (on Henry's part) and happily played after Ryan gave him a big hug and kiss! We received pictures throughout the day of Henry playing and smiling and even painting! When I picked him up after work, he was happy to see me, but wanted to continue playing and wasn't too happy when I had to take him home!

Overall he was a rockstar -- he drank his bottles, ate his food, napped (napped!!!!), and was in good spirits all day... I hope day #2 tomorrow goes just as well.

Here are the pics we received of Henry at daycare!

Loved the big ladybug pillow!

First art project at daycare!

These boots were made for walking....

Well, he doesn't have boots yet, but he is WALKING!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

More Pics & loads of fun!

Grandma Beach shared some of the pictures she took while we were up at the cottage -- enjoy!

Henry's new chair that Grandma got him!

Loves his race car!

All snuggly after a swim

Henry, Mommy, Grandpa, and Daddy

A swing with Grandpa

I can't tell if that is a gross face or he is mid-dinosaur noise!

Daddy and Henry


Yesterday I got to spend the day with Henry -- an unexpected day home from work -- we had tons of fun, but the most fun? With a box! The things that kids love more than the toys you buy them!

"I'm in a box!"

Happy Baby!

"I can climb on it..."


"I can bang on it like a drum"

Back in the box...


"I can push it like my wagon..."

"Hi, Mom!"

More banging...

So much fun.

"That's all for today's show. Please check back tomorrow for more!"

Happy Tuesday everyone! 
The Beach Fam

Monday, July 9, 2012

One more day...

You know you had a great vacation when you are saying "I wish we had one more day..." 

I tried to document all the fun we had -- but sand and water don't always mix with camera and baby -- but hopefully you will get the idea that we had a great time at Lake Michigan and Crystal Lake for the past week! Lake Michigan was unseasonably warm with the onshore winds -- Henry was able to experience the big lake without getting blue lips! Henry kicked and paddled and got his face wet and didn't like getting out of the water -- I think we have a water baby! Henry also loved being at Crystal Lake with Grandma and Grandpa Beach. They were very excited to share the family cottage. Charlie also had a great time -- loving the water and playing with the other 5 dogs up north! We are looking forward to more trips to both Lake Michigan and Crystal Lake!

It was our first long vacation as a family -- Henry was a trooper. He didn't sleep great away from home, but I think it's those teeth that are bothering him, (number 6 and 7 are on their way in!) and of course all the excitement of being at the lake.!! He didn't like leaving and when we arrived home he kept looking out the sliding glass door, as if saying "where is the lake??" I miss it too, Henrypie. Mommy misses it too...

And on to the photos -- 

First time in Lake Michigan! 

Loved it!

A great morning at the cottage -- let's get breakfast over with so we can go to the Lake!

Morning coffee with Aunt Katie

A view of "the big lake" from the cottage up on the dunes!

Time to get up, Grammie, let's go to the beach!

Ivy and Charlie

At the beach!

Loving the sand

The Lake looks so big!!

After swimming and playing in the sand -- a nap with Grammie

Don't be fooled -- he only slept for 30 minutes!

Having fun in the sun and sand with Aunt Katie!

Charlie was beat after a day at the beach!

I'm 10 Months Old!!

Henry with Mommy

After we spent four days with Grammie Sobczak and Aunt Katie at Lake Michigan, we picked up Daddy (who went on his first weekend sans baby with Brian to see a few concerts) and headed to Crystal Lake!

Henry's first time in Crystal Lake

I think he likes it!

With Aunt Lindsey

Another beautiful day at the Lake!

Enjoying a meal at the cottage

First time on Grandpa's boat

All set and ready to go!

The Fam

We almost had everyone looking!

Can I drive the boat, Grandpa?


Loving the boat ride!

A swim out in the deep water with Mom!

A boat? A car? What else can Henry drive in the water? 

"Good Morning, I'm ready for the lake!!

Another drive...

Daddy's 32nd birthday!

"Do I have anything on my face?"

Happy Fourth of July!

Daddy found some sweet fashions in the cottage closet! (Oh the things you find when a cottage has been around for over 50 years!) 

"What do you have on your head, Dad?"

And one for Henry!

In the sand.... Daddy made him a little pool to play in!

Sweet sand castle city

Henry and Mommy

Putting some finishing touches on the castles

Hard at work

Time for a dip in the lake!

What a water baby!



Wet face!

Swimming with Mommy

And Aunt Lindsey!

Daddy and Charlie in Frankfort, MI

Loved the piggyback ride!

Our Family

Our last sunset at the lake

We had a wonderful week off, but "one more day" at the lake would have been nice! We hope everyone had a great Fourth of July!