I’m looking out the window – snow is falling. Not thick enough to blanket the earth, but enough to let us all know that winter is on its way. It’s beautiful and terrifying at the same time. As much as I love the summer - the sun, swimming, and longer days, I love the change of seasons and the opportunity to slow down, cook more soups, and curl up with a cozy blanket and a good book. I come back to the present and look down at the blonde
haired blue-eyed toddler and think, “what are we going to do all winter?” The cozy blanket and book will be put aside, this
child needs to run, play, and get outside every chance we can get! And of course we’ll
get outside, but as our walk indicated yesterday, it’s a touch and go/day by day plan.
With the sun shining outside, I thought we could brave the 25 degrees and get
our not-so-trim Yorkie on a walk, but the wind had other plans and said
blue-eyed blonde haired child covered his face after a half mile, saying “It’s cold,
Mama, go home.” I began to wonder how they do it in Switzerland their child
nap outside in the winter! My rosy cheeked little guy loves to be outdoors and so we have geared him up for the winter, but as I gaze down at my
ever-growing belly, I can’t help but think how I will be with Mr. energetic
toddler as well as providing all my love and attention to #2 when she arrives. Sigh. I’ll try not to think about 2 vs. 1/kids vs. Mama days ahead, but instead will just for a moment remain
in the place where the snow is white and perfect, a cup of (decaf) tea close by,
and will soon be taken by hand after my first born shuffles up to me in
his bear slippers, looks at me with those big blue eyes and says, “play with
me, Mama?” And that's the perfect start to the day...
And although Henry is 27 months and his birthdays was 3 months ago, we did visit the pediatrician last month where we were told that Henry is still perfect and growing and thriving in every way.
Height: 37 inches
Weight: 28.3 lbs
Favorite Animal: Monkey
Best Friend: Charlie (aka Pickles)
Favorite Food: any vegetable -- he will seriously eat a soup with anything in it. So awesome!
Favorite color: Green (at least that's what he said today!)
Favorite Number: 2
Is pretty much the best kid at giving hugs. Seriously, if one could survive off of hugs, I would be all set!
And although Henry is 27 months and his birthdays was 3 months ago, we did visit the pediatrician last month where we were told that Henry is still perfect and growing and thriving in every way.
Height: 37 inches
Weight: 28.3 lbs
Favorite Animal: Monkey
Best Friend: Charlie (aka Pickles)
Favorite Food: any vegetable -- he will seriously eat a soup with anything in it. So awesome!
Favorite color: Green (at least that's what he said today!)
Favorite Number: 2
Is pretty much the best kid at giving hugs. Seriously, if one could survive off of hugs, I would be all set!