If Henry could be naked every moment of the day, he would. He almost never has socks on -- he can get any pair off -- either by rubbing his feet together or just grabbing the toes and pulling on them for a moment or two. He will love you forever if you take his pants off (baby legs have been our new thing to keep his legs warm!) He also gets downright giggly when you are taking his diaper off! It means he can instantly pop his foot (or feet) in his mouth and squirm and move anyway he wants. You see, we are doing cloth diapers, which seem to restrict his ability to nibble on his toes any time he wants. (he can do it, but has to put forth quite the effort!) I often feel bad about this when I see how excited he gets being naked, but I think of the benefits too -- no diaper rash, no diapers going into landfills, saving $$, and they are oh so cute -- he already has a cute bum, but when you add a colorful diaper to it, it's downright adorable :)

I know he is going to be one happy baby come summer when he can roam naked along the shores of Lake Michigan and Crystal Lake. I'll have to figure out how to blur certain parts of photos for those blog posts!
And some more pictures -- because, hey, he's cute!
I love his smiles!
Really starting to prop himself up!
I cherish these photos -- capturing his smile isn't easy!
Loving not having any pants on!
With Aunt Katie :)
"Hey, I see a baby! And another Charlie!!!"
Mr. Rosy Cheeks
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