Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Minutes turned into days, days into weeks, and weeks into months... and somehow in the blink of an eye we arrived here, February 29, leap year, and the day before I return to work. I have mixed emotions about my return. On the one hand, I am excited to get out of the house, wear professional clothing (hopefully sans spit up), have adult conversations with my coworkers, and use my very expensive law degree on a daily basis. But on the other hand there is this:

Enough said. 

When I told people I was taking 6 months off of work to stay home with Henry, several people expressed that they couldn't wait to get back to work after their child was born. I don't judge those people, I'm just not one of them. I knew this was going to be hard, just not this hard. I thought I would have SOME desire to jump back into work, but to be brutally honest, I don't. I don't want to miss the smiles, giggles, the play time, and all the firsts. But I'm telling you all of this before I actually go back. The first day/week will be hard, but I'm sure once I get into a routine it will be easier. Right?!

In other news, Ryan and I FINALLY got to go out on Saturday night! Grandma and Grandpa Beach offered to watch Henry so Ryan and I could go out to dinner! We had a great time, and the best part of the night? Henry slept through the night!! (which he is doing more and more these days! yay!)

-- Pat and Mike, thank you for the night out!! You can watch Henry any time!!! :)

Other parts of our weekend:

Reading with Daddy

Henry has been eating solids a bit more -- he is liking the rice cereal more, and he also tried some avocado and sweet potato this week.

Not so sure about the avocado

How about sweet potato? 


I think we have a winner!

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