Monday, February 20, 2012

Got Rice?

For the past month Henry has been extremely interested in our food - putting his mouth on our water glasses, grabbing at our plates and looking quite angry as he watches us put food into our bellies. His 6 month birthday is next week, but with the craziness of me going back to work and settling into a new routine, we thought we would try out some rice cereal this weekend... The photos pretty much say it all!

All ready... time to eat!

First taste....

"Hey, this isn't so bad..."

"Nope, I don't like it.... "

"eh, I'll try some more..."

"wait, is that the same stuff you just gave me??"

"where is the stuff you guys have been eating??"

"Mom, I would rather eat your face than rice cereal!"

We had fun giving Henry his first tastes! We will try again in a few more days.... and then comes the fun stuff -- squash and pumpkin, avocado, banana.... yum! 

*Pics by Grammie -- Mom, thank you for capturing these amazing moments!


  1. Adorable faces!! :) Thomas did horribly with rice cereal (lots of grunting and being uncomfortable) so we skipped right to oatmeal for his grains. Then, his first fruit/veg was avocado. He LOVED it (and still does!). Have fun!

  2. That was hilarious! The captions, the photos - you guys get an "A+" for recording the adorable moments in life. And I feel like I'm there when you share them - thank you!
